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Wildfire - where dreams become virtuality
A Special Effect Program and many more
Wildfire is not only another brandnew image-processing-program -
it's a professional animation-processor with some really new concepts.
It allows you for example the creation and processing of animations in
several formats, the generation of time-dependant special-effects
and the design of large projects containing several animations and
frame-synchronized sound-effects.
Because the common animation-formats on the Amiga have too many
lacks or restrictions we have tried to create a better one: YAFA.
This animation-format for example features many compression-methods
and realtime-zooming.
One of the outstanding features of Wildfire is the fact that it
makes for you no difference if you apply changes to a whole animation
or if you process only one image. A single image is only a
very special case of an animation.
In contrary to common image-processors you can use envelopes instead
of plain numbers as effect-parameters. This makes the easy creation
of time-dependant special-effects possible.
So you haven't to fight against the "do"-loops in an ARexx-script to
get an animation outside your image-processor anymore.
All of the numerous effects can be arranged in any number and
combination. Because the output of any of these effects can be
one of the 8 tempory-buffers Wildfire allows you to
PROGRAM IMAGES in an comfortable way !
Main Features:
-fast and comfortable Converter:
input: YAFA, ANIM5/7/8, mpeg, image-sequences
output: YAFA, ANIM5/7/8, image-sequences
-Preview for almost any operation
-Project-Editor which allows the creation of large and complicated
projects easily using the mouse
-Effect-Generator featuring time-dependant parameters via envelopes
-a stunning library of effect-PlugIns
-some really unique effects
-3D-engine with multiple lightsources and phong-shading
-superposition of 3D-effects (PowerPlugs!)
-superposition of Lightwave-objects and images in the
threedimensional space
-(un)loading of PlugIns at any time
-Transition-Maker for easy creation of transitions between two animations
-easy-to-use Player-interface
-Filmstrips to simplify the perfect timimg of huge projects
-AnimInfo-function displaying size-profiles etc.
-fontsensitive GUI without MUI
-internal gadget-toolbox which handles mathematical expressions
instead of only plain numbers
-calculator which allows for example the export of user-defined symbols
to the gadgets in the whole-program
(using drag.gadget 0.2 Copyright © 1996 Jörg Kollmann, see bonus drawer!)
-ARexx-port with about 400 commands
-macros, custom-windows, docks
-import of images from other programs
-Developer-Kit (with working example) which allows you to create
your own effect-PlugIns
-and many more